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Off The Shelf DIY Will Packs

By: Jack Claridge - Updated: 23 Sep 2012 | comments*Discuss
Last Will And Testament Solicitor

In this age of fast moving and people finding it difficult to find time to do those things which are important when it comes to keeping their affairs in order, it has become common to resort to so-called 'DIY products' in order for things to get done.

With this in mind there are now a whole range of legal documents that can be purchased, already pre-printed, that can make the job of submitting certain paperwork easier and less time consuming.

One such document to come under the auspices of this 'DIY Document' age is the Last Will and Testament.

What is a DIY Last Will and Testament?

Your last will and testament is one of the most important documents you will ever be called upon to fill out. This document - which can be anything from a page in length - determines what happens to your estate in the event of your death: your estate that which you leave behind such as money, property, belongings etc - is divided among those people who survive you and should be carefully thought out. Your last will and testament reflects these decisions and as such should be written by you. However some people find it difficult to write such a poignant document. Simply it is a reminder of our mortality and as such it can be a very difficult and emotional time putting your affairs in order.

However a DIY Last Will and Testament seeks to take some of the difficulty out of writing such a document by giving the writer a pre-written template to work from. This document - which is available now in bookshops, newsagents and even some large supermarket chains - can cost as little as £10 but can help save the writer a lot of emotional distress.

If you choose to buy a DIY Last Will and Testament your pack will contain a blank pre-printed template and a sample will for you to use in order to fill your own out correctly. These documents have been specially prepared in conjunction with solicitors so there can be no confusion as to the validity of the document upon reading of the will.

How to use a DIY Last Will and Testament?

Your pre-printed template will contain all the fields and boxes for the relevant information your will should contain. It is recommended however that wherever possible you write out a copy of your will before hand so you can make any changes or re-word as and when you need to. As we have already mentioned the Will Pack includes a specimen copy so that you have some idea as to what your will should contain.

When writing a will it is advisable to have it witnessed and signed by someone independent - and someone who is not likely to benefit from your will - but also have them check it over before both they and you sign it.

Do It Yourself packs are useful and take a lot of the stress out of writing such an emotional document but you should be aware in particular of the wording. There are occasions when certain phrases in a will may cause confusion and even lead to the will being contested in front of a judge. To avoid this once you have written your will pass it to your solicitor to read through.

Solicitors are happy to accept pre-printed will packs as being genuine and fit for purpose but it is important to remember that it is not the manner in which the document is laid out but what the document contains.

Online Will Packs

You can also purchase Will templates online and download them in varying formats; the most common being the industry standard Microsoft Word format. These templates are very similar to those you can buy in the shops and again need to be witnessed by an independent witness who has no bearing on the Will's outcome.

You can also employ the services of a professional Will writer online who will - for a nominal fee - take your instructions and incorporate them into the structure of a Will.

However you choose to write your will it is important to note that the document must be checked before being passed to a solicitor to act as executor at the time of your death.

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